Hi @emma-h and thanks for the nice comment. Indeed you are lucky to have a mentor as Hive is a very complex platform and without guidance one may be lost.
The way I understand reputation as a metric is like compounded interest in reverse. The higher you go, the harder it gets and for good reason I believe...
That is true. I know when I was at the beginning, someone explained the system and I remember that they said each level is 10 times harder than the previous.
The truth is, if you focus on reputation, you'll get disappointed very fast. It's like watching the waster boil. That's why I am saying focus on creating good content, engage with like minded people and try to find your place on the chain. Join communities and try to contribute. You'll see the results soon.
Thanks for the comment and you have a nice day as well 🙂
Thanks so much for your reply Erikah. That's exactly what Galen suggested and that's what I intend on doing. Good content is key and engagement is crucial. I will hopefully be able to also contribute more towards the chain as I grow too, it's very exciting 😁
If Galen told you that, you're in good hands my friend 😃
And no worries, you first learn, then things start to fall into place, you will find the right place for yourself.
It is a game and it's very exciting indeed 😏
Thank you Erikah, I owe him snacks for all the help he's given me getting me started. It's a lot to take in but I paced myself and I'm glad to finally be here.
Have a lovely day.
No way, don't give @galenkp snacks! Plain water only! 😂🤣
Have a good weekend and happy blogging!
You know I operate better with snacks!
You're a scallywag.
Haha. As if you're honestly shocked. You know it's true.
Pay up yo!
Yes master, they will be forthcoming post-haste 🥐🥞🌮🍕🍔