If 1% of mothers whose child is in army front line agrees to go for war then i too agree to go for war.
If 1% of wifes whose husband is in airforce agrees to go for war then I too agree to go far war.
If 1% of children who father is in navy agrees to go for war then i too agree to go for war.
So, who wants war?? Mentally retarded people...!!
Why war?? For self satisfaction at the cost of someone else's soul...!!
Outcome ?? More broken & orphan families and shattered dreams...!!
This is a short but very powerful message. I wish Putin can see this and put in his brain to know that war only result in disaster and doesn't solve any problem.
Thanks for this.
I say "NO TO WAR"
Let's all pass this message around till it touch the people concerned.
@escspencer, this comment has been manually curated with