I am spending time on twitter for some time. I mostly am busy learning from the Singapore based communities and the influencers. I have learned how the promotion of content and how the discussion has been done. So the community and groups is how I am learning about the social side in the Singapore people.
So here we have like few political discussions here. And people tend to be sharing what should be and how it can be done differently. Each day people kind of make same arguments and same issues are being discussed every now and then. And so that has been reflecting into the discussion and how influencers use the terms.
Most of the political arguments are like my candidate and the party is always right and then they search the support for the people who discuss the same. And they also make sure to share their content and people tend to give side support to such influencers calling it an army.
Another is some of the CEO and also the business people are sharing their mindset and the experience. And they take their own opinion for bible. And this has turned into an echo chamber. And the more people join it the more people tend to be of same opinion and it just keeps on circle one after another.
Breaking out of such echo chamber where mostly people do handshake and not much share the reality of the world. That can be really bad if you ask me. Like you continue to be in a loop where you just happen to disagree with things. And then you would be out of such loop. More of such places you would have to understand what can be done the right way for avoiding same old patterns.
So how come this is mostly focused on introverts? Because they tend to be more touched with the people and they seem to be in the loop of such people who happen to misguide them. And it's always better to avoid being part of such type of the introvert echo chamber, no matter what is the topic in hand.
Have you noticed this on twitter or anywhere on internet for that matter?
Even Hive has it. I think anywhere people gather there will be some degree of tribalism.
Yes often that kind of adds up drama too.