What if it was possible for you to hack into someone's mind and detailly see what they are thinking. It sound like a really scary thing to do.
Well, I dont really need to do that before knowing what someone is thinking. I can deductively say that for adults, majority of there minds are full of taughts of regrets, past glories and failures. I will put this into two categories and also hopefully share some tips with you that can help you think properly.
Unhealthy Mind
Firstly lets talk about an unhealthy mind. Interesting people with unhealthy minds have all their best moments in the past. They love to live and boast alot about their past Life. Their past life is their crown, oftenly such people refuse to evolve and end up never progressing in Life. This serves as the greatest inhibition to growth. It is a sweet thing to enjoy and glamour in you successes but never let that be stopping point for your growth.
Secondly an unhealthy man's mind is filled with regrets of the past.
Regrets about the things they could do and where not able to do.
The thinks they did that they where not suppose to do.
Regret is a default setting for a depressed person as well as an unsuccessful person.
When you truly comprehend the effects of regrets in your Life then you will make sure you never dwell in regrets. In the mind of a conqueror the there is no room for regrets.
Healthy mind
A successful man habours two kind of taughts.
Taughts of the future
A successful man has about 70% percent of his mind set on goals to be achieved in the future. Successful people have less of their minds bothered about mistakes of the past.
Lessons of the pasts.
Successful people think about the past only for one reason and that is to correct and learn from the mistakes of the past. They do not regret of dwell in the past glories.
I finally came to understand that the only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is in their ability to use their minds. The mind is a powerful tool having and if a man is capable of harnessing the unending strength and potential of this tool he would literally be able to move mountains.
Below a set of tips to get your mind up and active and kicking.
God is marvellous and he designed us differently with different mind capabilities. I dont want you to limit yourself to any one's standard or ability. The potential of your mind is completely different from that of does around you. It is true we might exhibit similar or like human qualities however their is something special about everyones own mind.
You must be to test and know the limits of your own mind. How far can you imagine? How much can you concievd with your mind.
I recently decided that am going to learn the piano to a professional level in a space of 3 months. Well! to some people this is physically impossible, and so it does not make any sense to them. But to me I know it possible and that is becuase I have been capable of testing the limits of my own mind, I think I know abit about level of strength of my own mind..
You must be able to descipline your mind and cause to obey the will of your Spirit. The mind is oftenly full of straying taughts and careless voices. For you to achieve anything successful with you mind you must be able to refined your mind through descipline and cause it to think in a certain way, act in a certain way. Infact you must be able to bend your mind to your will. At all time you have to think positively and act positively, make you mind to follow a certain thinking pattern.
Everyone has his or her own mind that's for sure but the mind is being controlled by we humans, I mean to say everyone controls his or her mind, although there are some times when the mind goes astray and keep wondering on its own you know what I mean, of course having a negative mind will definitely bring negative energy and value why you positive mind will be vice versa, but in all this I think our minds can be controlled by us because whatever we choose to think it worked with think and whatever we choose not to .
From my perspective the mind is a very vertile place that defines human being and destroys as well.
Definitely mate according to @nasiri ,I sincerely agree with you on your take and I will say that how will sue our mind is very important and vital too,cause our mind on it own has a way of bringing peace and at the same time has a way of stopping so many things to happen too, that is why it is very important and vital that we understand and know what to think with our heart, just as I do tell people that most battle of life are won in our heart first and while other's too are lost from our heart too .
This is one of the biggest problem in the life of men this days,cause not having bad heathy mind on it own alone is not a very good one for us as it will not allow us to move faster and above limitations in life, so it's very vital and important that we judiciously know how to use our heart and what it is been used on too, should be well clarify.
This is one thing that is very paramount not just because it helps in having a good results in life,but it also makes uncertainty look certain too in life, that is why we must also nutured our heart in the right channel too mate,cause all this thing has a way of bringing out result out of nothing or no where at times,the use of our mind is very important and essential, cause everything in life if am not mistaken start or proceed from the mind.
This is just one of the most beautiful contribution have ever seen so far and I should bmi just say that is one major reason why have been following you up mate and I want to say that you have indeed contributed lot to this content as what the mind has in power to do and of it importance tooate,but mere looking at your contribution I really have nothing much to say too,but just want to also addd that the mind is a very essential part in our life and most battle of life are won and lost right from there before it get to the physical world 🌎🌍,so taking care of what will use our heart to think is very important
Coming across this again today and I was like what a powerful opinion that was shared by us all on this day and particularly on a very good and interst topic like this,just passing by mate and I hope passing by here should addd something to you task as regard comments
pikiran kita sangat penting dan vital juga, karena pikiran kita sendiri memiliki cara membawa kedamaian dan pada saat yang sama memiliki cara untuk menghentikan begitu banyak hal yang terjadi juga, itulah mengapa sangat penting dan vital bagi kita untuk memahami dan mengetahui apa yang harus dipikirkan dengan hati kita, seperti yang saya katakan kepada orang-orang bahwa sebagian besar pertempuran hidup dimenangkan di hati kita terlebih dahulu dan sementara orang lain juga hilang dari hati kita juga.
Pikiran tidak sehat
Pertama mari kita bicara tentang pikiran yang tidak sehat. Orang-orang yang menarik dengan pikiran yang tidak sehat memiliki semua momen terbaik mereka di masa lalu. Mereka suka hidup dan membual banyak tentang Kehidupan masa lalu mereka. Kehidupan masa lalu mereka adalah mahkota mereka, seringkali orang-orang seperti itu menolak untuk berevolusi dan akhirnya tidak pernah maju dalam Kehidupan. Ini berfungsi sebagai penghambat terbesar untuk pertumbuhan. Ini adalah hal yang manis untuk dinikmati dan glamor dalam kesuksesan Anda, tetapi jangan pernah biarkan itu menjadi titik henti bagi Anda
Ini adalah salah satu masalah terbesar dalam kehidupan pria hari ini, karena tidak memiliki pikiran sehat yang buruk itu sendiri bukanlah hal yang sangat baik bagi kita karena tidak akan memungkinkan kita untuk bergerak lebih cepat dan melampaui batasan dalam hidup, jadi itu sangat vital dan penting bahwa kita dengan bijaksana mengetahui bagaimana menggunakan hati kita dan untuk apa hati kita juga digunakan, harus diklarifikasi dengan baik.
Anda harus dapat mendisiplinkan pikiran Anda dan menyebabkan untuk menuruti kehendak Roh Anda. Pikiran seringkali penuh dengan ajaran yang menyimpang dan suara-suara yang sembrono. Bagi Anda untuk mencapai sesuatu yang sukses dengan pikiran Anda, Anda harus mampu memurnikan pikiran Anda melalui disiplin dan membuatnya berpikir dengan cara tertentu, bertindak dengan cara tertentu. Infact Anda harus dapat menekuk pikiran Anda untuk akan Anda. Setiap saat Anda harus berpikir positif dan bertindak positif, membuat pikiran Anda mengikuti pola berpikir tertentu.
Ini adalah satu hal yang sangat penting bukan hanya karena membantu mendapatkan hasil yang baik dalam hidup, tetapi juga membuat ketidakpastian terlihat pasti dalam hidup, oleh karena itu kita juga harus memelihara hati kita di saluran yang benar juga sobat, karena semua Hal ini memiliki cara untuk mengeluarkan hasil dari ketiadaan atau ketiadaan dimana kadang-kadang, penggunaan pikiran kita sangat penting dan esensial, karena segala sesuatu dalam hidup jika tidak salah dimulai atau berproses dari pikiran.
Menemukan ini lagi hari ini dan saya seperti apa pendapat yang kuat yang dibagikan oleh kita semua pada hari ini dan terutama pada topik yang sangat bagus dan menarik seperti ini, hanya lewat sobat dan saya berharap lewat di sini harus menambahkan sesuatu untuk tugas Anda tentang komentar