"sepa66" is a well-known, hacker account.
He likely acquired your account by having access to your Google mail.
"bdhivesteem" is not a dangerous account. It is an account used by Binance.
- Use another computer to change your Hive keys, Google password, and passwords to your important accounts like banking
- Run antivirus on the current computer that was used when you got hacked
- If you can't change your Hive keys please check who your recovery account/trustee is
- Contact your recovery account/trustee to begin the recovery procedure
- Once you have keys to the account and can log in, check your withdrawal routes
- If you see "1" instead of "0" in your withdraw route line, use Ecency wallet to remove it (it means any power down will go into the hacker's account)
- Let us know as soon as possible when done or when started https://discord.gg/DbrVsHMw5u
everything is done, and just as a precaution I changed email pass, even when I have 2FA in place.