Whistle Stop Cafe Freedom Park Protest Aginst the Alberta Government's Lockdowns!!!

in Proof of Brain3 months ago


I attended the Whistle Stop Cafe Freedom Park today for the first day of the protest. They had donation-oriented food service to avoid the persecution of the local tyrannical overlord RCMP you can see abusing a guest here this morning.




The health authorities have put up this makeshift chain link fence, but unlike the churches in Alberta, this time the authorities are dealing with the full force of a local community, and their only gas station (that I seen on my way in). The AHS (Alberta Health Service) was so audacious they closed the camp ground and that caused a massive blow back from locals who were infuriated that the camp ground was not able to operate at all now due to the AHS over reacting to the business not closing in-store dinning during the lockdowns imposed by the Alberta provincial government.

People Attending from ALL Over Alberta

I met a few attendees and discussed their reasoning for attending the protest. The first gentlemen were in attendance from Lethbridge, Alberta, and drove over 5 hours in his camper van to spend the entire weekend there supporting this small town Alberta business that said NO to the lockdowns. The 2nd was there with his son and both of them had traveled from High Prairie, Alberta to attend this protest.

This is a cannabis-friendly venue. We received permission to smoke cannabis anywhere designated for smoking.

"Enough is enough, everyone needs to do something to stand up for what's right, that's why we are here" - Protestor from High Prairie

You see what's blocking your view of the lock in this second photo?


1 pm Rally Saturday, May 8th!


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