Study of the brain

Brain is the most powerful technology and the most complex structure in the world.your potential is unlimited if you know how to use your brain.


Anatomy of the brain..
The CEREBRUM Is to biggest part of the brain. It is the CEREBRUM that makes human so formidable. Animals such as **ELEPHANT, WHALES, DOLPHINS have larger brain, but human brain have the most developed CEREBRUM.

The second largest brain is the CEREBELLUM,it seats under the back of the CEREBRUM,it plays an important role it helps in balancing, structure and movement.


The third largest part is the DIENCEPHALON,is located in the core of the is of two sections which are THALAMUS and HYPOTHALAMUSthe human brain contains of one trillion neurons, **HYPOTHALAMUS is important to keep body process like hunger, thirsty, temperature, even with balance.

The brain controls basic life functions such as blood pressure breathing and heart rate.the brain is very delicate and sensible so it needs maximum protection, which is already provided by the strong bone of the skull and three tough membranes.

There are some common mental health condition, but I will only talk about one which is DEPRESSION
DEPRESSION it is an mental health condition, depression can be marked with some orders of symptoms, including sadness,loss of appetite,the only benefitting is that anxiety and depression they are treatable through medications.

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I thought . why human have the best brain ?

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Because we are humans .

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Human brains has 100billion neurons and it is 10-50 fold more glial cells, it Is the largest among primate and mammals @smartdealear

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