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RE: POB TALK 20/07/2021 - #52

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Thank you, for questions, love is a beautiful thing and love can not be compare to anything in life, God himself is love, that is why he lead himself for us and Love over look and over take everything.

If we have gift of prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues and you do not have love bible said they are useless.

There are three things in life faith, hope and love, but the greatest thing is love.

Some do say they have love and if their brother or spouse offend them, it hard for them to forgive and forgiveness is love.

Love do protect, guide, kind, patience, love does not envy, proud, it doesn't bit, cheat, keep secrets, it doesn't rude, boast.

Showing to our family alone is not enough, we need to show love to the poor, the sick, to our neighbors ( love your neighbor as yourself)and the community.

We can show love to people in our environment and the society, by helping people for example if God bless us, with money, we can share food to the poor, give clothes to them.

Give scholarship, by support the parent to pay their children fees and provide good water.

And is not until we have much money, like the way the country is now, we can help others in getting job, give money and support.

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one thing again i want us to know is that love is about sacrifice, so the measurement for love is sacrifice this means that you can know how much you love someone by the level at which you can sacrifice for the person, The bible says" for God so love the world that he GAVE I.E (SACRIFICE) his only begotten SON that who so ever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life...., so God sacrifice for man shows how he loves man,
likewise we too,the reason why we can inconvenient our self to please our families and friends is the love we have for them,,the reason why you will give my account auto upvote is the love you have for me thanks

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We need to Sacrifices for our love one, Sacrifices for the nation, we can also see our army, they always sacrifice the life because they love the nation.

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Definitely I so much agreed with you and I want to say just as you have said that it goes beyond just professing it in word.

It takes actions , dedication and scarificaial attitude to actually prove that we love people,but of all I grow up with this church mindset that God is love and love is God

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You get it right with all this dedication and scarification, although this is not easy for some people to scarify for their one, flesh will want to manifest, but if we are in christ it will be easy.

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