Good post, bible tell us that paradise is a place were the righteous one dwell and is a beautiful place.
God created this earth as a place which we can enjoy he made us to be like him,but when we have being decieve by the devil that why we start to confuse about how paradise is.
But Jesus Christ have came to leand us right, so with our faith, grace and good work we will enter paradise.
Many people do say God is use that word of hell to draw to him, no is a matter of choice if some like it he or she good or not.
But after the person will know maybe is true or not, but will say we should try our best to do the right and follow what God have commanded us.
So that it won't be until we get to heaven or hell before know the true, because all those command is to help and protect us.
Paradise is a place where people love to be alot of people have confirmed that we can never compare paradise with anything on earth.
Thank for you for the post