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RE: POB TALK 20/08/2021 - #83

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Good morning to you all, we thank for the gift of life to see another wonderful day.

Today is another Friday, another weekend.

There is a question I will like to roll to us IF YOU ARE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN MONEY AND LOVE WHICH ONE WILL YOU CHOOSE.

thank you let engage well today and make our weekend a great one and never engage yourself in what can affect your health.

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Good morning @ hookup,your questions is if you are to choose between money and love hmmmm first of all money is ultimate of life while love is more ultimate ,beside money come with love.
to me I wil prefer money because with money love flow .

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I wont' choose even if I want to. Because love isn't the end and neither is the money. I'd try to pick and choose between the both. Like money enough to last long and love enough to know the boundary.

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That is good, I watch a Motivational movie which talk about if you have to choose between love success and wealth and there is a husband and wife with one child.

They have a visitor And visitors 3 elderly men they are name love success and wealth, so the woman went to the door to look at the people who is knocking the door and find that that they are three old men.

so she went inside and tell her husband that they are visitors and their three elderly men who their name are love success and wealth.

And the husband said she should invite the three of them inside then the wife went to invite them and they said to her that they cannot enter at the same time.

So she went back and tell husband and the husband said they should invite wealth and your wife said no they should invite success when they are discussing these they are little children now give an advice that why can't they invite love.

And they agree to listen to what they are little daughter of tell them they invite love and when the love enter the remaining two old men.

Enter with love and the woman asked them why are they coming inside with the love that is only love that they invite and the answer to her that since we invite love other people must follow because where love is there is success and wealth.

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But as a human you definitely fall in to one of the category either the money Or love.

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I think this is a great question which requires a lot of thinking to choose between money and love is something difficult but I would say love is ultimate, because the Bible also says God is love so I would rather choose love than money

Yeah God is love
True love come from God only.
You can't love someone truly without the spirit of God

God is Love what do you expect

That is good you really make a good decision because love can alot give you money.

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love can give anything so far it is accordance with the will of God

that is true but in the world we are today nobody is ready to love you if you don't have money and you yourself you are not ready to love anyone that is not ready to add value to your life

Good morning to you too
His Mercy keeps us alive today.
To your question.
I will surely choose love because you can easily become rich than finding love.

To become rich is not that oo
Those that are poor is not because of they don't work hard or not because they are not wise but just because getting rich is not easy as you think

Wow that is so brilliant when you have love you can become rich and have the money because nothing can be compare with love.

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Love is the greatest thing

my brother you better choose wisely richest don't come so easy if you have the opportunity choose wisely

I will go for love but true love.
I am already rich so the thing I need now is love

You are rich and you are looking for real love,brother make use of your riches to find love.
sorry to say this u might be rich but to yourself,extend the richness to get real love.

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Good morning to you too friends , if I'm to choose between money and love I will definitely choose love, love come with peace of mind and happiness and i can still work for my money.

Have a great day ahead.

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That is so wise where there is love alot of things will be engage with it happiness peace, good work.

Because where you go people will love to have you with them and to share with you, nothing can be compare to this love, that is why God give love first by give himself to us on the cross of Calvary.

With love he created all living things and non living things, we can see love among the bird we can see love among fish, animals.

So nothing is greater than love, where love stay other thing come to stay with her because all things want love.

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I will wish to choose love but sincerely I will choose money for now
Since God loves me I don't need anything again but I need money money money

Hmm that is good since is money you want that is nice.

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I'll let faith decide. One can be happy either way or one can be miserable either way.

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Good morning to you all, we thank for the gift of life to see another wonderful day.

Today is another Friday, another weekend.

There is a question I will like to roll to us IF YOU ARE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN MONEY AND LOVE WHICH ONE WILL YOU CHOOSE.

thank you let engage well today and make our weekend a great one and never engage yourself in what can affect your health.

This should not be too hard to answer and I wi say that out of greedness and so much love for money,I will definitely go for love everytime irespective of it outcome later , I' will choose love always mate

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Hi hookup.pop. I'd rather I have both. But if I'm forced to pick one, I will go for money. Love is a good thing but without money there is certain tendencies that the love could diminish. I believe it is better to be in a state of comfort than to go through love on empty stomach or with certain problems. I always love to believe there is a tendency of find love when there is money. It might be difficult but it is possible. At the end I would choose a balance of both as life without love could sometimes be miserable the reason I think certain people despite all the money still fall under depression. Love is essential inasmuch as money is vital. I am a little curious, what would you rather choose if you were to pick one?

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I think money will be better here I would prefer money because nowadays money buys love and no love without money in today world