True happiness they say comes from within and this is from doing what makes you happy which translates to doing things within your capacity and not taking up unnecessary burdens.

Taking a leaf from a popular quote by former United States President,Theodore Roosevelt “ Do what you can with what you have where you are” we’d realize that the main focus of this quote is to utilize what we have doing what we beat know how to do anywhere we are.

Often times we fret and get anxious over things that are literally beyond our power and out of control. It happens to virtually almost everybody has it’s a function of societal and psychological programming that we have been exposed to from birth. But t begs the question, why worry over things you can’t change, things out of your control, because your worries have no impact on these things.


We as humans make mistakes of thinking too big and picturing ourselves in the big way without due recourse to the fact that Rome wasn’t built in a day. This mindset has been the bedrock of our worries. 70% of our worries are on things we can’t change as a result of opposition of realities to the fantasy we have created in out heads. This is not to say thinking big is a problem,but not willing to start with what you have is the problem. Little drops of water makes the mighty ocean and not large tsunamis.

Finally stop overthinking anything, you can’t control everything. All you need to do make the quote bY Roosevelt your watchword and you’d experience happiness from within

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" Taking a leaf from a popular quote by former United States President,Theodore Roosevelt “ Do what you can with what you have where you are” we’d realize that the main focus of this quote is to utilize what we have doing what we beat know how to do anywhere we are.

This is inspiring

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Their is really a great happiness when u do what u can, by the time u started noticing this was what God as make u to achieve u will be so excited..

However this does not stop u from taking advise from those that know more than u or that have gone through that particular stage u are before...

Doing things u can does not only bring u joy but also make one a true and independent one

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Happiness come when something you think impossible is possible and you. Will the joy in that God have help you.

Overthinking can kill your happiness, so we should not allow ur problem to affect our ambition.
Let your drop of water can still make a great ocean..

People don't know that making a mistake is a great opportunity be great in life because if you made a mistake you won't have error, which means you be perfect than others.
And they will be seeing you as the most brilliant and intelligent person.

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Nice quotes, Do what we are happy with.... !

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Definitely ,true happiness is lays in your hand and I must say your happiness depend on what you do and I must say you should not attached your happiness to anyone's hand, whatever you find yourself doing,do it well and be happy while doing them,cause that is the only way to get a good end result from it

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