Good one and I want to say it seems am getting to see the first part a little bit late,but will definitely check out for the second part in your wall in case it as been posted by you ,but for now let me push a lot of contribution as I can and I want to say that is the very best thing at the moment right now,to me and other users,In which am not really speaking 🗣️ for them I want to strongly believe that fear us one major factor that ad cut so many life or dreams short too.
Life to me can't be always fair and I must say this as been my believe for a very long time,cause I see life also as a stepping stone to greatness too,that is why we are all meant to at one Stage or point in life comes across alot of challenges and our ability to overcome all this is what we push us all fir glory,but different is the case for some Many that are battling with the sprit of fear nin them and that is why you see lot of people failing this day,jszt because they have the forbia fkr failure,I do tell a friend thet failure in life is necessary,cause it is a step that gives you more light and wisdom to something you are not doing right.
It is high time that we also know that succes does not comes to those that are panicking about life,cause it takes courage and determination to get the best out of life,so to me irrespective of what life is throwing towards us right now,we should be determined and keep on chasing that which we have focus on ,and let me say the place of been consistent too is very important as all this things are the prequisite in getting out of a failed life.
For no reason should will be scared of failing cause stats has it that we failed most times on things that we are scares of failing at later , which means the fear we have in something that we should not failed at times, always leads to failure at the end on those things,so to me it is better we take off the fear of failure and approach life just as it is coming to us and let me say thier is nothing we can't achieved ,it all start from the mind, once your mind wins already , I believe the battle is won and vice versa.
Just believe that;
If other's can,then you can
Thank you