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RE: Discrimination in life

This nis very good to see and I must also say that it is just one of the things that need serious attention in our community this days and I must be very honest with you that this is one thing that is affecting the world at large this days mate, discrimination as come in so many ways and I want to say that it is not only to the disable people alkne,but those who are completely fit and well okay toomas suffer this one way or the other,but of all I still have the feeling that decriminalization goes beyond our facial look and it has to do with our personalities in most cases and to me also imseemit as something that needs to do with how will see people in our heart too.

I was talking to one of my friends on phone, I get to understand that one of them is seriously depressed, because she's dumb.
I don't believe been different should be a criteria for people to choose who we are, I believe these set of people need more care, love, be kind to them, cherish them, so that they believe that they belong in the society..

Mere looking at the issue batnhand right now I will say that it is something of the mind too,just as i have said earlier mate and I can assure that it doesn't really need to do with the look or what is involved on most occasion,but to me regardless of anything I will stand on the word that we indeed need to out an end to that act in the society at large this days mate, cause to me it is a way of breeding war and creating enemity for our generation among ourselves.

From my own perspective discrimination done so much harm in the society and have made many people depressed. Pls i encourage everyone to stand up against this devilish act and do the right thing because of humanity and God.

Looking at the above statement from @newman42 I sincerely agreed with him also that this will only bring war and fight among humans and it also good that we know that this act might increase the rate of crime too and I will love to say that we should learn to go along with everyone around us irrespective of what or who they are without making them to fell inferior in the society

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Thanks for the enlightenment

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