Hello everyone, it feel so good to be part of this great platform.
My name is Obasemola Adeola Samuel, am so glad that am part of this great community, to the best of knowledge, I know this platform is going to add more to my understanding, knowledge and be of great impact in life and others too..
A very good one from you mate and I want to say that you are welcome to the community mate,even afte good 8 days if am not mistaken,but of all it is still a good one to come across your introduction post too by now new mate,want to believe that you have really been enjoying your stay in the community too and I want to say that it is another big one to have someone like you who is ready to get improvement too,let me say that apart from the fact that the system has a way of improving you,it will also help you to grow financially, which means you won't just learn alone,but at the same time,you get the lot of rewards at the process of learning and it is good to see tmyizr willingness to learning too mate.
Am Nigeria by nationality, and am the first born of our house with two siblings, graduated from Rufus Giwa polytechnic owo with a course of food science and technology.
I love my study because it involves life and in Involves our day to day activities and even more than that.
Even apart from my study I also love furniture work, after my study I went further to learn interior and exterior works, furniture works is great it enhances and beautify homes, offices and even the environment as a whole.
Definitely you look like a Nigerian mate or should I say one of the UAR citizens , smile,but of all it is still very good to see that you are doing well enough to to have joined the community and let me just say one if the above word in the statement above really got my attention, the school you are going to now,was where I graduated from in the year 2019,but of all do well to engage and enjoy yourself,your stay is really going to be a very good one and try and be consistent too in all your engagement in the platform and I want to say that as a science student, especially th me FST as you people do call it back there,will be hoping to see some write up about food or digestion related issues too,it is a very good one from you mate.
Am thanks goes to my referral who so not keep this great thing to himself alone but bring me to knowledge of it. And I believe I will greatly learn great things from this community and also share my experience.
Definitely you deserve to do that cause the user as really done well to invite you over to where life too and do well to engage a lot here as that is the key to success her me and do well to adhere to all the rules and guid lines that as been given to you too by him I guess , cause those are the things that will help your engagement and even keeps you in check too in the community and also help your stay mate.
Let me invite you to join our community @vempromundo.pob #POBTALK where you get to meet and interact with other hive users and contest for a lottery prize everyday.
Also you can check out A RANDOM THOUGHT CONTEST by @elricmoonslayers.
Do well to join and engage mate, welcome to hive community