You got my upvote. Questions like this need to be talked about, not swept under the rug. The reason we question these things, is because it's really hard to trust those telling us the "facts" when they censor the other side of the debate, instead of you know, debating it. 🤷♂️
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Thanks. It seems more and more if you ask questions on Hive you get Downvotes.
It's not just Hive, everywhere people are being taught to just accept authority, and to blame those that question things for why things are they way they are. Sadly there is no "are you a robot" equivalent for filtering out sheeple.
Alternatively I feel like there should be some communities where these discussions would be welcomed, rather than downvoted.
Tho good info, i think you replied to the wrong comment.
I dod. Sorry about that bud!
Well I only see a Downvoting pandemic on Hive.... nowhere else.
I am allowed to say whatever I want on Blurt .. never downvoted . Ever .
I get downvotes on publish0x. Don't care. Some of my own family doesn't like some of the things I post.
Hasn't a few of the tribes disabled downvotes? I don't even see the option on Blurt.
All i am trying to say is that if you let these downvotes get to you mentally, then you're going to have tough time here, and it's going to ruin your experience. Hive is not perfect, yet. We still have a lot to do before we could even come close to calling it a finished product, and these are the discussions we have to have to determine the future of Hive.
Disagreements are never fun, but if we want a free and open platform, that will always happen unless we create a bubble, and no one wants that. I wish we didn't have downvotes, but we also had a lot of abuse and bot usage on Hive before we implemented that, so I don't want to go back to that, and at the same time I am sad to see this also get used in such a way that harms discussions too.
I guess i don't know the perfect solution, but I hope that us all having this discussion is a way to work through those things, even if we all get a few downvotes in the process.
Stay strong man, eventually people will see where your heart stands, and they'll be glad you were willing to speak out.