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RE: How I got vaccinated

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

If you were brazilian i would say "give up the dumb hand" hahaha

Vaccines are important and save lives. These conspiracy theories exist aplenty on the internet and on various subjects just to create discord, chaos and confusion in the minds of the weakest.

Surely you've spent your entire life eating foods that you don't even know how it was made, never seen the manufacture and now afraid of a vaccine that was made by experts?

It is clear that a vaccine needs more years to be tested, but that is what we have for today and that is what we need to do. My country has died more than 600,000 people so far because of the pandemic. I lost several friends and mainly "online". All for the delay in the vaccination here.

I took my first dose in June and in 7 days it will be my second dose. I just had the normal reactions that anyone can have.

Believe less than you see on the internet and always try to see more about the people who are really fighting to make the pandemic go away ;)

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Thanks so much, that was the same reason I wrote this because many Nigerian believes that the the vaccine has a disastrous effect and they prefer staying unsafe....

But with time, they will see reasons why they should believe in it...

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