I introduce myself today to the Hive blockchain.
I am Huginn, the first of Odin´s two Ravens, We fly evry morning from Asgard, home of the Norse gods and goddesess, but one of many worlds or plains where the mythological creatures Gods of the Vikinhgs lived.
Photo; Eythorphoto: https://ecency.com/@eythorphoto/posts
We flew back bearing to our master Odin, The Alfather. (Father to all other Gods of Asgard.) News from all of over the world.
However i will on this Hive "block-chain" read Tarot *(Viking Oracle ofcourse) * And or casting Runes, eather as a way to predict about the future, but also reflect inwards as each and own has his own connection to the Runes, and the base code of the human being as a spiritual being.
Today.s Rune, the first that i cast and i have asked the gods to assist me in having the upcoming Rune bring a message to you, as you read it my dear HIVE reader.
Today we get the "Pertho", and we get it turned downwards or "reversed"
*Dear reader, do not expect much from this day, the rune wants you too call upon all your scattered energies and concentrate fully on your own life at this point.
Pertho warns agains dwellig in the past or future too much. By doing so you are robbing yourself of your present!
Remember to persevire. In doing so you strenghten your charackter and the inner self.*
So evrybody, put down your 400 projects, focus inward without too much expectation, focus on the now and the self.
I hope today will be a blessfull and fruitfull day for you all despite the cautionary tone of todays message.
Also it has just come to me, from the Alfather himself, that there are only a few days untill #dCity ´s election day. Where Big shot Desyfit and the underdog "man of the people", Eythorphoto are running over the current corrupt president rishi. who can practically be written off at this time of the race.
I bear messages that you should, if you care at all about your #dCity account, and economic situation you will not vote for Desyfit nor "president" rishi... They will commit genocide without benefit.
The current runner up in the race Mr.Photo. ( @eythorphoto ) Will fix evrything that has ever been wrong with #dCity ... He will also make some big contributions in bettering your personal real life. yes... yes... he is that nice.
However, i myself am littæe political, but was already planning on voting for Mr.Photo...
Have a nice day. untill next Rune reading in aprox 24. hours.
Thank you for your support, it is nice to have the entire flock of Norse god´s on your side when fighting the corporate elite corrupt candidates i am dacing.
But like the Rune said, "remember to persevere" and i will, and i will not only persevere, i shall come out victorius.
A statement from me is to be expected later today!.
Your truly. Mr.Photo
Hello, @huginn! This is @anggreklestari from @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome! However, it would be awesome if you do an introduction post. As a sample of what an intro post is, you can refer to this intro post for reference:
Keeping Up With the Buzz - My Introduction to the Hive Community
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