Character (Pob-wotw: censor)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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Character is said to be the one quality that distinguishes an individual from other people; people with good morals are considered the best thing in the world, they live happily with people around them and provide them with the best experience.

In today's world, the kind of character displayed by people is not suitable, neither for their acquaintances not others who come in contact with them What you hear as an attempt to defend such lack of pleasing character is "that's who they are" people are not ready to modify their character as long as it removes them from their comfort zone and requires of them effort no matter how little.
The question then is, why is our marriage leading to divorce, why is friendship or companion turning to enmity? What happened to being good to others?
no one is ready to apologise for their deeds even spouses prefer divorce to apologising as long as a modification of their character is required.

In my country we believe the government alone is responsible for the desires change in the standard of living without checking ourselves, which ought not to be...

The change however should begin with us, modify your character as a person, modify your children through the clothes they wear indoor and outdoor, (only few institution/universities put ban on indicent dressing, they censor out student with bad clothes everyday and sanction them but we believe that the university management are not civilized). If all the universities in the country can implement such discipline, indecent dressing would become a thing of the past or at least be reduced to the barest minimum.

Most religion settings failed to censor out indecent wears and they continue to accommodate unwanted things in the house of God, all in the name of they don't want to loose members. Even members of TV stations that used to censor film and music videos are now part of indecency, .
Think twice before you act, work on yourself, modify your character, be mindful of your words in public.

You might forget awful words you speak to people but the impact will travel down in history control your tongue.

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Thank you for your article. Unfortunately, the Censor WOTW contest is over. I look forward to reviewing your next article, however. Have a great day, friend.

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