Irregardless of the society we find ourselves, discord as been the order of the day even though harmony is been preached in most of the religious settings and by the leaders but yet all to no avail. Society where harmony is been preached and the residents harken to the teaching, things seem to be going on well because there are a lot of benefits when we live in peace and harmony.
Living in discord ranges from the family to the community and to the globe in general. We can never shy away from it because people are born from different womb which does not make them behave the same way.
Some are raised from a polygamous family where love does not exist and they see it as a normal way of life. Its this same mentality that that they take into the society and mislead other people.
Talking about discord in the society, our leaders have really failed in this aspect. They show sympathy and concern when they are aspiring for a particular position.
But as soon they got what they wanted from the masses, they turned their back all because of their selfish ambition. This also can lead to disharmony among their supporters.
Discord at workplace is also one of the criteria that reduce the development of an organisation. When employer and employees are not in harmony, things will seem not to grow how it is suppose. Likewise when there's disagreement between the workers. It's also a bad omen to the organisation. There are lot of contribution love and harmony can bring to the organisation.
Talking about discord in the country. This can be as a result of cultural or religious differences. This is common in some countries where people claim to fight against other religion all in the name of being dedicated. This belief has taken away so many lives. We have to believe and live in accord and have the belief we serve just only one God but in different ways and doctrines.
Although , it's ignorance at its peak.
Terrorism has taken all over the nations all in the name of living in discord and disharmony.
Nations no more have the love of their citizens all in the name of power.
This as caused a lot of mishaps.
We have to find a way out to control discord if truly we want this world to be a place worth living.
This can only start from the family to the society and to the entire world.
Our leaders also have to show love to the citizens and make them feel like they are part of the government.
All in all, discord can bring about failure and destruction if not handled properly. Discord can only be resolved by compromisation and harmony.
Please include the reference for this direct quote (Definition of Interpersonal Conflict):
This is one reference I found:
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I have referenced it. I really appreciate your effort sir
Hey. I really appreciate that change. I'll remove the DV.