Human Body Cells
Human body comprises trillion of cells busily working together in order to keep us healthy and sound. These cells are located on every part of our body, cells are the smallest unit of life according to my secondary school teacher.
These cells have different shapes and and different functions and communicate with each other. Cells form human body tissues and tissues form organism and organism work together to make human healthy and strong right from conception period.
Humans will continue to live a healthy life until diseases set in, disease(this is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms. "Google dictionary").
Disease cause disagreement among cells that have been working together leading to breach in their communications and unity becomes things of the past, can this same body still maintain it's healthy living.
These disease steal human healthy living away and cause lot of damages and human health start deteriorating. Cells are dying gradually and human body become weak. The body that was once strong can no longer maintain its balance. Human now live and depends on medicine to regain their lost sound health.
Human body cells represent (Hive)
Disease represent (Discord)
Damages represent (Malicious)
Weak represent (Frailty)
Interesting the relationship you make of the words of the challenge, the only thing that perhaps I did not like much is that you put it at the end and did not integrate it into the publication itself. Although in the way you put the writing it was a bit complicated. Excellent work and very good information