Blog No #60 : Instagram latest update 🤪

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Hey Guys
Mufasa here

How are you guys?
I hope all are fine and doing great things. I am here to share my post with you guys. So let's start without any further delay.

Instagram has exploded this year, this time they have given so many updates that all the users are surprised. The latest updates of Instagram are so good that you will not get to see these updates on any other social media platform. I am sharing 3 latest updates with you guys which I have liked very much. some updates are yet to become.

Update No 1: Silent DM

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Earlier in Instagram, if you used to message someone, it will pop up on your friend's screen but now it will not happen because now you can send your friend message like this ( @silent Hiii Blurt family ) If you send a message to your friend like this, then the notification will not come on his screen.

Update No 2: Show live Reels with your friend

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In this latest update, You will make a video call from your home to your friend and in the section of video calling, you will see the icon of reels after clicking on it you and your friend can both watch live reels together.

Update No 3: AVATAR


Just like the avatar meta, the update has come on Facebook, similarly, an avatar is going to come on Instagram too. Right now this update has come only in that and soon it is going to come in all other countries. You can also use this avatar in your video calls.

so it's a wrap-up. if you are using Instagram then follow me

Here is the link -:

If you are thinking that the post is over, then it is not because any post does not end without reacting. If you like my post then follow me so that I can follow you too, you can also vote and comment if you liked reading my post.

You can follow me on these websites also-:

INSTAGRAM (personal) - :




See you after a break


Hello, I also follow updates on Instagram. Of the latter, I like Instagram reels. This is a very cool feature for those who actively blog and want to develop their account. In order to speed up this process, you can buy views of your Instagram reels ,this is a good way to increase views and increase your audience