I saw that news making it illegal to misgender people. I didn’t read the proposal itself so I am saying this as an ignorant:
It sounds bad. It would make sense to somehow punish someone for trying to misgender you on purpose with the goal to try to offend you, like a hate speech or bullying offense, but not if it were an honest/accidental misgender, like you told someone how you identify as a madcow but the person forgot, it is not their fault to forget.
Me myself I would not be offended if someone called me a woman, gay or whatever other gender they come up with (I am not knowledgeable about the topic).
I understand that some people may have grown traumatized by bullying, but then it would be a case of regular violence and offensive/hateful. Again, talking as someone ignorant as I never invested time into this topic. It would be silly to think there is no violence or crimes aimed specifically to hurt those people because hateful people do exist and transphobic and homophobic people exist.
But yeah, making misgender a crime doesn’t sound good. Doing it with the intention to offend or to bully makes sense to be a punishable offense, but I commit honest mistakes accidentally every time when I meet new people. Both parties need to tread lightly.
I think you may like this, it's a
lot of material packed into a
short three and half minutes.
I started already disagreeing with him. Yes, there are infinite ways to categorize people, so what? I am not a squarehead, let them identify with an apache helicopter. I won't be an issue if people just accept, agree or not.
I agree with him that assessing and classifying is hard, so my solution is leave it to whoever is interested in those politics, I am not so I am for leaving them be. The problem arrises from not letting people just be.
His arguments sounds like someone that is afraid of losing whatever "power" that only exists in his head. There is no problem in dividing people, people are inherently different and it is not a problem in any other field, religion, sports, hobbies, everyone tries to find something to identify.
No one is unique, that I grant, but if someone identifies, as he said "1/8 black" why would I care to begin with? I know a problem would arrive when someone "8/8 black" arrives and say "hold on, you are not black, I am black" but that is a discussion for them, not for me, my stand would be to let him identify with it but it is a loose position, if "they" come into an agreement it would make me decide in which feet to stand.
But Jordan's point is loose and not convincing, he sounds like the brazilian people that were scared and the fear made them elect a dumbass just because he promissed to end identity politics. Like I said, it did not go well over here. This speech is very very demagogue
Once you get down to the nitty-gritty, the truth is that: The largest minority is the individual, and that's what people need to re-remember. It's the less-divisive and most inclusive ideology which treats people the most equal. Anything else is a bunch of tribalism bullshit divide and conquer techniques. What Jordan said was distilled truth. It wasn't demagoguery at all. The truth is when you get politically divisive, dangerous things like democide ultimately can and will end up happening. Just look at Adolf Hitler. He did that same caste system bullshit and made people wear special arm badges to identify them as a this or a that. We'll be doomed to repeat history if we cannot learn from it. It's one thing to pander to unfounded fears, and it's another thing to give legitimate warnings. If I say to a child, "If you touch that fire, you'll get burnt, and it will hurt very badly," that doesn't make me a demagogue, but rather, a truth sayer.