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RE: POB TALK 16/08/2021 - #79

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

we have to give Life what it takes to survive and there is a saying that says survival is for the fittest, so you can't survive except you are fit.

some people say things in my community recently they say "life is not hard you are the one that want to be successful". success isn't an easy thing.

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Success will be hard for you if you are seeking for it.
The easy part of success is by seeking for wisdom and knowledge and success will follow you

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wisdom and knowledge are components of success. but if you seek for wisdom and know and you do not have mind of success such person have what it takes but will not be successful

Yeah that's true having a mind of success doesn't mean you are seeking for success. The real measure of success is comparing what you have done to what you should have done.
people have misinterpret the meaning of success to greatness or getting rich or getting popular or being a celebrity. But that's not really success
Success means discovering you are born for and accomplishing it before you die

yes but alot of people dont even aim for what they are born for

That's normal for ordinary people but for extra ordinary people it's not normal for not knowing what you are born for

if you what to be successful give it all it takes

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