The winner will be selected randomly among those who give the right answer. I will announce the winner tomorrow Insha Allah. The winner will get my full upvote. Feel free to leave a comment about your views on the daily riddle challenge, reblog, upvote and participate in the challenge by leaving your answer in the comment.
The rules are simple:
No use of the internet or AI to search for the answer. Anyone suspected of using these for my upvote will be ignored in all future riddle challenges.
Only one answer will be accepted per participant.
Good Luck!
Congratulations @mazharniazi on winning the previous challenge. The correct answer was SNORING. Thank you to all the participants.
It is a necessary thing that the parents are the father and the mother. The father is a lawyer, so it is necessary, then the
will be a doctorI am very thankful for you 😊
I have actually heard of a similar riddle and so I can answer that the doctor is a female and wife of solicitor... So she is the mother of that boy.
A classic riddle The answer lies in challenging .
The doctor who says "that's my son" is actually the solicitor's son's other parent.
Traditionally, many people assume the doctor is male, but the doctor can be the solicitor's son's mother.
It's a clever riddle that reminds us to consider all possibilities and not be constrained by stereotypes
One is the father and the other is the mother, I think it is very easy 🧐
A lawyer is the boy's father and a doctor is the boy's mother
Very interesting 🧐🤔 riddle and it's answer is doctor is the
of the boyMother is correct answer
Very thinking 🤔 point
is right answerDoctor is mother of the boy
Very easy answer doctor is
of boyOf course, the answer will be
Today's riddle is very interesting and the answer is mother
The doctor is the solicitor's wife, and the boy's mother.
Confusing lol