The winner will be selected randomly among those who give the right answer. I will announce the winner tomorrow Insha Allah. The winner will get my full upvote. Feel free to leave a comment about your views on the daily riddle challenge, reblog, upvote and participate in the challenge by leaving your answer in the comment.
The rules are simple:
No use of the internet or AI to search for the answer. Anyone suspected of using these for my upvote will be ignored in all future riddle challenges.
Only one answer will be accepted per participant.
Good Luck!
The correct answer to the previous riddle was Paint. Thank you to all the participants.
Congratulations to @waseemsh for winning the previous challenge.
The simple answer is Wednesday and Saturday because those two day names are not in the order in which they are written
W is missing represent Wednesday and s represent Sunday. That w is missing
oops 'm late to participate..
May have better luck next time...
That's the sequence of days with W and S missing. And for the second part, I don't know the reason why they are missing 😅
The w that represents the day Wednesday, and the S that represents the day Saturday
The W and the S, for Wednesday and Saturday
The W for Wednesday and the S for Saturday
The W and the S, for the days of the week
It seems that these are the names of the days of the week which will be written in order. The name of
is not written in themW
correct answer because Wednesday and SaturdayThere are no names for two days of the week, a Wednesday and a Saturday
The week day name
T FSaturday
S The weekend days nameW and S is missing in weekend days name
W and S are the missing days of the week Wednesday and Saturday