
It's a delicate topic... some people see it as a personal attack against them, so their primary instinct is to go defensive

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Definitely mate I strongly agreed with you in this and it is just because that have lived all thier telling lies and they see been corrected at times as a very bad thing and if am not mistaken their is a very part in the lord book that talks about correction and I vividly remember that he called those who hate correction fool

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It shouldn't be like that,but how do you correct the person, because maybe you speak in bad manner to such person.

But if you correct with love and in a good way there should not be a room for hate.

You can chat the person privately ask if the you correct is bad and you people sort it out.

One day here some corrected me her that I should not call the person am interact with as dear and I take with love, no hate because no one perfect.

We learn everyday. Settle it and forget it, sorry for that.

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It is as a result of pride or ego bruised. Some don't like been corrected. You have done your and it is now left for the person to take correction. You shouldn't also correcting people if you see people doing something wrong. Also when doing such, the manner in which it should be done is also important has certain people don't love to corrected in tough manner, many don't. Correcting in love may lead the person to do needful thereafter

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Ego at times is one thing that affect pepe in this area and thier in ability to recognize that ,life is all about making mistakes and getting correction from those that love them,I see correction as a means of wanting to safe life from commiting another blunder ,but to some they don't see it that way,just because they have refused to understand and know the vital role been corrected at times played in getting us to the top in life.

We all go up in life through help and correction that we get from wow that really cares about us

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