
definitely you understand what I'm saying to be consistent in this community is not for the lazy ones, so any lazy being cannot enjoy anything in this life

Lazy people are -1
And it's lazy people that do wish for the best things

yes they wish for what they do not deserve and they can't pay the price.

They are too lazy to pay the price of greatness but they wants to be great

and that is sorcery or witchcraft to expect what you do not deserve or what you have not worked for

It's Laziness
And lazy people are covetous
They are the one who mostly envy others the most

yes when they can't achieve what others are achieving they later conclude that it is ritual and they start to envy others

na them, this is a slang in my community

engaging is the key to success in this community the more you are engaged the more your level of success here

Consistent engagement here will help you a lot in this community.

that is why I give it all it takes to make sure I engage at my best every day

Me too
I am striving and working harder to do my best to engaging more than anyone else in this community

I'm trying that also but there are still some people here that I don't think I can compete with them they are very very hard-working in engaging in comments

I do envy them alot about how they're being engaged to this community.
I wish to be more engaged in this community done everyonePeople like @blezyn

not only her but there many like that also who give comments too much