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RE: Hive and 3Speak.Tv are a Better Solution than Advertiser-Centric Video Hosting

People complain about streaming services as "undercutting musicians" because much of the music industry relies on the pre-internet corporate model of recording and distribution. Today, an artist with a laptop running any modern operating system can install open-source software, mix their own recordings, and release digital music with no middleman whatsoever. The same applies to authors and e-books. Print-on-demand services can handle physical recordings and books alike. There are advantages to corporate advertising clout and distribution, but the indie world is ballooning.

All of hat is to say YouTube is another old model where creators and audiences have an expectation based on obsolete ideas, and intertia combined with established content and name recognition is the only thing keeping it running.

MySpace died.

Facebook is struggling.

YouTube could fail even though it is owned by Google.

Web3 is decentralized indie projects building a new model without asking permission or playing the corporate game at all. Upend the old system. Crowdsource what you must, but own what you create. It's here now, ready when you are.