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RE: Active key issue with staking POB and Hive - solved in replies to this post

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Ok I read your issue, as long as you keep a copy of your master password and private and public keys somewhere safe, Like a USB stick, which is what I do, you can remove the hive keychain from your browser and reinstall it using your master password, the hive keychain should then automatically reconnect finding your keys and allowing you to stake your POB, I had this issue myself at the start, It would be nice to see it simplified or at least with better instructions its very confusing,

Hope this helps you get it sorted if not let me know and I will check out what else can be done

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Thank you Jaxson. Hopefully between yours and @Leprechaun's advice, I can come right on this issue this evening.

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I hope so, @Leprechaun is a great preson for a advice, been around a while and knows the system well.

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