As a boy Invictus was not your typical boisterous youth, he was a little more reserved, shy and some today might have referred to him as nerdy or a geek, but who was the boy that became the man we know of today and what motivated him to become a legendry hero that stole the hearts of his people.
From humble beginnings to a legendary hero, beloved by a nation.
He would follow his Father, Jeremiah who was but a simple academic scholar studying Alchemy, Philosophy, Astronomy and politics in the the Great Pillared Halls of Ancient "Kartumus", where Invictus would frequent the halls and the Stone Library during his Fathers studies.

The family was well renowned in their local fishing village of Catagin on the outskirts of the Royal Palace and Kingdom of Sonan, where Jeremiah hobbied as an apprentice ship builder in his spare time, The Kingdom was ruled by the cruel and evil King Taragus, A monolithic man in size and stature who was famously known for leading his Royal Legion Guard to a Triumphant Victory against the invading forces of the Halum Empire a decade earlier.
It was said that King Taragus could crush a human skull with one hand, the stories of his sheer power and strength were legendary across the Kingdom and travelled as far as Nuttilla the largest nation of the old World's Gods, a mythical Empire believed to be ruled by Nephilim or what was referred to in Sonan and the surrounding villages as *"The Expelled," fallen Angels expelled from the old Gods Heaven for disobedience.

Invictus was mesmerized by these stories and would spend his days either reading stories in the Stone library or fantasizing that he would one day be a great leader that would free his people from the evil clutch's of King Taragus and the Royal Legion who would take what they wanted from the people brutally without question.
The Royal Legion were known to travel the land seizing property and resources, food and ale from the towns and villages not only outside but also within Sonan.
Nobody dared speak of this in public lest they wanted to loose their head and have it placed hanging from the Great Sphire in Kartumus Square for the Kingdoms people to see as a warning.

A decade later as Invictus was approaching adolesence, many things had changed in the Kingdom and not necessarily for the better, Invictus no longer had the luxury of spending his days at the Great Pillared Halls of "Kartumus" an didn't get to visit the Stone Library as much as he would have liked, ever since the dreaded "Pest" virus had devastated the Kingdom, destroying the farmers crops and making the villagers and towns people sick, even the wild life had suffered terribly, decimating resources and causing disease followed with high volumes of deaths that overwhelmed the Kingdoms only physician.
Jeremiah had taken quite ill with the "Pest" virus and was isolated and bed ridden, while Invictus had to resume his work building boats for the fishermen of the village as more villagers had turned to fishing as one of the remaining unaffected food sources.

The King had become an even worse bully who terrorized his people, but large groups of dissidents had, had enough and were finally coming together at first in secret, as rumors were going round of disruptive work place revolts and towns and villages were beginning to withhold taxes. Some of those dissidents it was believed, had formed a hidden colony of resistance deep inside the Forever Forest, a frightening dark place that many dared not go and from there it had been rumoured that they were planning further revolts against the Kings Tyranny.
The ship building work had helped Invictus to keep busy and out of the way, during the quit period, taking his mind off the troubled reality he had to face each evening when he returned home to help his Mother Kalika care for his sick Father and although he had grown into a big strong lad, he didn't quite feel fulfilled, there was always that niggling feeling that more could be done.

Recent times hadn't been good to his family, his Mother had been beaten to the bone by the Royal Legion during their latest scourge, they accused her of not paying enough taxes, when they could clearly see the family didn't have much, it happened right in front of him and his sick Father who attempted to rise from his sick bed to defend his wife only to be knocked back down from a Legionnaires blow to the head, while Invictus was being beaten and savagely restrained by some of the others.
The legion had become relentless in the months that followed, pillaging and plundering anything of value, food, ale livestock, not one single villager or town person had been unaffected, it had gradually gone from bad to worse since the scourged "Pest" virus had infested the nation.

Daily attacks rocked the Kingdom and had become a constant reminder of the evil that bestowed itself in the Kingdoms Great Stoned Walls of power at the Palace.
Invictus swore revenge holding a deep routed anger, as he thanked whatever God favoured his unconquerable soul,
In that fell clutch of circumstance, he did not wince nor cry, but screamed aloud to his God, with bloodied head yet unwavering, unbowed he proclaimed his promise directed at the Heavens to rise from the darkness that shrouded him in shade to become forever Immortal amongst men and make those that terrorized and slain his people pay the ultimate price with their blood.

In pursuit of meaning brought about by his collective frustration and curiosity he ventured close to the Forever Forrest late one evening on his way home, hoping to leave the wrath and tears of the horrors that loomed from the shadows of his village, if only for but a moment, a fleeting snapshot in time, he was hoping upon a chance meeting with the dissidents, maybe that meaning he was in pursuit of ran deeper than he at first realised and maybe that void he felt could be filled with his longing for control.
He stumbled upon a dwarf casually shadow fighting with his sword, fast and well disciplined, almost fearsome, striking with a fierce ferocity in an unwavering defined and disciplined motion, Invictus became more curious and motioned forward steadily yet quietly moving ahead in slow equally measured steps, then "Crunch" "Crack" he had just stepped on a twig, when suddenly in an instant he found himself surrounded by a band of little people.

In all his life he has never witnessed such a sight to behold, he had read stories of the Elfin a magical tribe of little people, only they were not quite as he had imagined in his minds eye, Oh Sorry, Invictus apologised, not wanting to offend "I didn't mean to disturb you I was heading home when I just happened to stumble by you training" he looked towards the dwarf that was shadow fighting, "I mean no harm, I am a simple boat builder from Catagin" he continued.
"Why were you spying?" asked a voice from the crowd, followed by another, "Did the King send you?."
"No! No!" Invictus quickly replied, "I simply help the villagers by building ships for them to fish for food."
"Yeah right!" another poked from the front row.
"You smell like a spy to me," came another stab from above in the trees.
Invictus slowly lifted his hands in a defensive posture, while slowly stepping backwards, before beckoning further. "Wait! what do you mean I smell like a spy?" his defence was followed by fits of laughter.

After a brief interrogation Invictus was introduced to Glota who was a disgruntled Legionnaire who had defected and became the leader of a resistance group made up of warriors from across the Kingdom, each had witnessed the Kings horrific treatment, but divided each individual was unable to prevent the genocide that was perpetrated on the civilian populous, yet united they could be triumphant.
On that very night a pledge was made by each person present to recruit those affected and train them to become an invincible army, an army the likes of the world had never bared witness too.
It was at that point that Invictus swore a blood oat to become "The master of his faith" "And the Captain of His very soul"
From this chance encounter, or was it faithed by the Gods themselves, Invictus would go on to become the very hero he had fantasized of being as a boy and a hero to his people and nation of Sonan.

Invictus.This story in indeed a work of fiction, written as my entry for the #POB-WOTW contest held by @scholaris (S4W2) using the Word =
I don't know if readers will have noticed but I tried to incorporate some of the sentiment and feeling portrayed in the William Ernest Henley Poem/ Quote as you can see from the image below which was sourced from PRESEARCH Search: Invictus
All other images were sourced using PRESEARCH

Greetings, it looks like you have something wrong with the tags...you have an extra one # sign, so your post is not visible...
Oh great Thanks Pal I pop in and see if it needs an edit, cheers for the feedback
A mammoth effort Jaxson. Well written. Great world-building. I enjoyed how you wove Henley's words into your story. !PIZZA
Thanks so much Sam, I am working on getting out of my creative comfort zone and exploring new things, but its always encouraging to hear nice feedback like this.
Very much appreciate that, Thanks Pal
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