Glad to be here. Great to finally see a road map for POB. Lots of exciting agendas lined up.
Would love to eventually see a mobile app for POB in the future
Glad to be here. Great to finally see a road map for POB. Lots of exciting agendas lined up.
Would love to eventually see a mobile app for POB in the future
I felt it was a natural progression for technological development. Leprechaun is talented. If he feels comfortable with the idea, he would be the best candidate to make this happen in my humble opinion.
I also believe Leprechaun is well capable. It shouldn't be rushed. Just feel we will be needing it at some point
We're seeing eye-to-eye on this one. It's always good to prepare or make a request for a proposal. I waited on that request until he started asking for assistance. What he has currently looked amazing.