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RE: About me?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Better late than never. Welcome to hive Fahlahtino. Nice to have you join us here on hive. Believe you didnt come here by an accident but for a reason. Glad to meet you too. We all took time to learn about the platform. I trust with time you will have a good knowledge of how the platform works.

First of, I would love you to take a look at this post to get a better understanding of the platform. It is sort of a guide. This platform is upholded by certain rules and guidelines to ensure here is peaceable and void of foul activities. Here is a post that can help you see things in the right way. Do well to take a look at this You can also take a personal tour to navigate this unique platform to understand in-depth on how certain things operate.

You also seem to lack knowledge in certain aspect of the platform. I would love to see you get better and do better. Take a look on how formatting a post is. to learn editing of post ought to be. It will greatly help in preparing well structured contents going forward.

Nice to know you are from the giant of Africa and the most populous Black nation Nigeria. I believe there is a community of individuals from your part of the World. Do well to meet up with some of them and participate in certain initiatives and meet up they got running. I believe that have a certain tag they use #hivenaija, I believe. It can be a great to get noticed from people from your country

Looking forward to seeing you around here more and hopefully to take a look at your post and see you improve greatly. Have fun here man has you get to meet interesting people and also get rewarded for your efforts.

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