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RE: POB TALK 08/08/2021 - #71

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

We all limited time in life so it is best make better use of our available time by ensuring we remaining productive. Time is a commodity on life that shouldn't be played or joked with. The difference between the rich and the poor is in the effective use of their time.

We indeed have only life so it is better to make it count by doing something meaningfully with our available time. Time waiting or laziness shouldn't be tolerated or incorporated on our lives has it can be very detrimental has time wasted cannot be recovered.

Anytime we find ourselves doing someone that isn't beneficial to our goal or that which only drains our limited time, we should quit. Has time wasted cannot be redeemed. We should be e like the ants, they understand the concept of times and seasons. they know when work and when to rest. We shouldn't sluggish at the things that can make or break us.

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