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RE: POB TALK 11/08/2021 - #74

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Quite agree with you on the subject of happiness. It is more than any attachment to material things like money, possession and all people who see to have all the riches don't tend to be the happiest person on earth. As on many occasions they also fall into depression their numerous wealth. I believe happiness is more of a state of mind. A state only achieved when one find certain fulfilment in achieving something or been content with life to an extent. It is more from within.

People who seem to attach their happiness to something or someone are emotional beings and will in time find out that it is not the kind of happiness when the attached items or person leaves or the thing vanishes. Also placing on something in a way also has due to human nature man tend to lose pleasure in an attachment as one always get bored due to the ever human interest and wants.

Happiness derived from achieving a purpose sticks8 forever has it gives a sense of happiness when one remembers about it or when it crosses the mind. Alternatively we all have to seek happiness in the rarest of places has this virtue is not all about the glamour but about what it eternally satisfies the soul. The question we should all ourselves is what makes us truly happy as we has humans all react or tick to towards different things. What makes one happy may not make the other the same too.

At the end of the day we all should pursue that longing in our hearts, that thing we truly desire. Something it involves some soul searching and all in a bid to bring us to that place. We are deserve to find happiness. We should all try to create happiness has it is all closeby, all we need his find it doing what gives us Joy and satisfaction. It is constant search towards seeing the positives always despite how certain things might present itself

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