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RE: POB TALK 13/08/2021 - #76

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Greetings vikbuddy. Great nuggets and wise words yet again. People who always work of courting problems or controversies in others often end themselves suffering from they orchestrated. The world gives back to us the same measure if not more what we give to others. The reason it is important to sow good seeds. Sowing seeds of discords or hate will leave one ending what thing in which one's sows.

The thing we must focus on how set target and be resilient towards achieving it no matter how many times people tend to cut short how supply of inspiration or motivation towards our set goals. People will always try to frustrate us or hinder us, we shouldn't give them the opportunity to prevail or to drop us in the course we have chosen. People who always work on stopping others often end up badly after to achieve their own personal goals. The reason we shouldn't be concerned with others but rather on what we got set out for ourselves.

So much love your last quote. Talks is cheap and wouldn't prove anything in time if it is not backed up with action. We must be willing to pay the price for success and to prove ourselves by doing what it takes to make sure we achieve what our goals. In so doing we will prove others wrong and ourselves right. Have an awesome day and weekend

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