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RE: Urban life; Cities on the rise

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

This picture seems like a very familiar please I believe is in the region of the capital of the state Lagos. A village there called computer village or so. I believe I am right on this. Great to see some places which were once rural or local gradually getting more development. Growth is very important and it is good that place advance as the country develops.

Without these things being put in place is wrong thing by just leaving up so late and backward as people don't tend to relate with things like this people always love to move forward to new stuffs and to do new things. Apart from this developing cities off Lagos Port Harcourt Abuja several other place seems to be lacking greatly in terms of development.

I believe the only cause for such things to happen in this age is the corruption that have bedeviled the nation as government funds are inappropriate, mismanaged, emblezzed and channeled or put into the wrong use. I would love to see all this local area transform from the rural life to the urban life as these things has a part to play and the advancement and thinking of its people. A country can't just be developing one for over two decades and still remain at the same point real change is needed if these things will happen

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