
Hey there fellow Magi! How you doing brother?

Hope this doesn't sound weird but despite our relatively brief interactions you enter my mind quite regularly! Perhaps because I am still reading the excellent book you recommended.

Hey man, no homo LOL!!!!

Doin relatively fine here, workin on life and fucking up the system on a daily basis. Figured I'd come back onto Hive and try out a new video project, which seems to be going quite well!

I mainly focus my energies on my odysee channel where i talk about things like common law, law, legal fiction, not paying council tax, fucking up the system etc. You can check it out here . I try to keep things here on Hive light hearted, as i know the community here are more into their bloggings, entertainment and light topics.

How have you been? Seems you've been keeping busy!

BTW could you remind me what book i recommended? I forget!

Your odysee page looks like a great resource. I will share it in a few telegram groups if you don't mind. Some friends of mine may benefit from your knowledge.

Probably a good call keeping things lighthearted here. I try to but sometimes a subject will stir me up so much I cannot help but write a quite post about it. Kinda like an energetic release mechanism.

I've been keeping very busy thanks. Learning to trade mostly this winter. I find it incredibly interesting and rewarding.

Let me give you a clue for the book. The first chapter taught me how the simplest of things like an electrified bell system on a door can indicate to the willing mind the identity and mood of each unseen visitor who is about to arrive at their home ;)

Ring any bells?

Ahh The Secrets of Conjuring and Magic! An excellent book man you have great taste!

I am humbled that you are sharing my videos via telegram. We are in this fight together my brother.

You know, have you thought about starting your own odysee channel for your more heavier duty content?

Be safe my brother and keep well! I'm about to make a cuppa!

I do have a bunch of different Odysee channels as it happens but I use them more as a resource for others than anything else. In truth it has been a long time since I posted there but you may perhaps find some useful stuff in this one:

My main advice relating to books is to collect as many useful ones as you can, storing them on a small device like a tablet or phone with large memory capacity. Devices like this can easily be charged with basic solar so all these books will be accessible even in the event of a long term power outage. (computers & laptops are much harder to power with basic solar).

Let's see how things go on hive. Having been here for six years now I am reluctant to leave. But as you and I both know, change is the only constant on this great playground, and if something ain't working right the logical solution is to fix it or use something else.

Good advice there my friend!