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RE: The day I deleted Facebook

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Often take time to go through old photographs, even write about the trips here in Hive where I have never had the inclination to do previously, re-living moments!

Time; a poem my father gave me years ago....

The Clock Of Life.jpg


Very poignant poem.
The sooner one comes to realize just how fast time ticks by the better off one will be.
When we are young we feel invincible and pay little attention to the passing of days, which turn into weeks, months, and years.
To capture an understanding of this early on is so very difficult to do in a world that is so hectic.

Most only realize too late how much time slipped through their fingers, only later we start counting and nurturing each day.

My parents both gave us poetry or quotes to remember when young always reminding us not to waste the little time we have, life is strange, I have placed them onto special pictures found to enjoy and remember them, now time slowly catches up with us all!

It sure does and the only way to make sure that it doesn't catch up to us too early is to stay active, both mentally and physically.

Life is good so long as you keep going in reality, way too much time in wah-wah-land gets wasted 😁

Your parents were so poetic, that is quite rare nowadays

Before we children arrived both had works published in local newspapers. My mother made notes on/about everything, stated 'power in the pen'!

Dad was more into giving poetry he had found that carried meaning, many retyped and passed on to us as teenagers. Years later you pull out scrap books and read them, now making more sense compared to the hard headed teenager.

This is nice! I believe that having this kind of writing available for reading years later can make you understand your family better

I have two from dad that I cherish, mom many quotes used over the years I keep in mind, very stabilizing.

You are lucky for having such awesome parents!

So true! I remember in my teens that I used to sit with friends and sip a coffee for hours. Just slacking and letting time pass by. With the mind that I have now I would not be even tempted to repeat this habit again unless I would feel that it could bring some sort of value in my life.

What a great poem, I liked it a lot. It reminds me to appreciate every day, every minute. I can truly understand now that time is indeed the most valuable thing we have in our possesion. Thank you for sharing it!

Keep healthy with an active mind, take each minute given as one more than expected, enjoy life to the full wherever one lives.
