I believe in the ability to take a copyrighted item and make money off it because copyright is an insane mind-fuck in logic, the history of copyright and related topics can be traced back to roughly the 1500s AD if not earlier and I've been following all of that. I mentioned the problem with copyright on the Internet.
But on top of that, copyright can violate hard work of individuals. The line between copyright and not is blurry.
Should Disney sue Mighty Mouse for infringing the Mickey Mouse copyright as they are both similar or how about the Mighty Ducks for using the word Mighty and should the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers then sue the Mighty Ducks and should Walker Texas Rangers then sue the Power Rangers and should the state of Texas then sue Walker Texas Rangers?
If Donald Trump copyrighted his own image and likeness, especially if he had his own cartoon, should he then sue Stephen Colbert for his cartoon show called Our Cartoon President which uses Donald's likeness?
Should Trump sue anybody who airs his face on TV or on the Internet? What if you are simply showing the scene he is in from Home Alone 2?
Copyright can discourage people who may be making original work that may appear to be infringing and may not be. I find the whole thing to be crazy. I can talk all day about copyright, there are several levels to it. If you can copyright data, then you can copyright thoughts which is something Bill Gates would likely get onto since he has a patent for human crypto.