A very good result for the German machine as that as gives them hope of qualification into the next stage, it as for Spain it is not a result they want as they will have to work hard in their last match if they are to have any hope of progressing to the next round
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Glad to see lot of goals today. Much better and exciting than yesterday's boring games. Portugal v Germany was really a thriller with goals poping everywhere. Thought the Portuguese had a decent, sadly it was exposed today
A very good result for the German machine as that as gives them hope of qualification into the next stage, it as for Spain it is not a result they want as they will have to work hard in their last match if they are to have any hope of progressing to the next round
Yes, that's exactly what I expect from the too . is like there next round is been sure for the Germany
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Glad to see lot of goals today. Much better and exciting than yesterday's boring games. Portugal v Germany was really a thriller with goals poping everywhere. Thought the Portuguese had a decent, sadly it was exposed today