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RE: A Glimpse at My Saturday Online...

in Proof of Brain2 months ago

Chinese is an intricate language and very old too. I think they'll eventually have ways of identifying days of the week, it's just that perhaps modern day Chinese speakers might just prefer to use money or week 1 as you've mentioned rather than probably looking for the word. I may be wrong though


it's just that perhaps modern day Chinese speakers might just prefer to use money or week 1 as you've mentioned rather than probably looking for the word. I may be wrong though

ChatGPT says they really don't. This is how they denote days of week, they don't have special names for them.

That's rather strange. I wonder how they called it back in the ancient times.

You're thinking perhaps before they adopted the week as a measurement of time? ChatGPT said something about agricultural cycles in its answer to me, but nothing that is close to nowadays division of the year in weeks, and week in days.