The Grand Scheme In The Existence Of A Man: How Powerless Are We Truly Are?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago



In life sometimes, it's difficult to shut out external voices because we often feel that these voices: acts as a check and balance to our actions, helps us in weighing what is right or wrong, or sometimes we look to it to attain validation.

Truth is, everyone is the main character in their story whether they like it or not. Our lives are filled with endless possibilities. Being poor is only a narrative; a construct that can be possible when some particular course of actions are taken or ignored, or this same goes for being wealthy as well. In life, it's either we're in a position we're in another position, the immediate reality we're living in can either be decided for us or we're the ones who have decided it for us through our course of action.

However, our imaginations help us to create possibilities of things that can happen differently in our lives especially when we find ourselves to be in a different position and this is to show how sophisticated we are as humans.

Moreover, we can't only live one particular construct, a place where things subconsciously happens to us by the designs of our choices. While our lives naturally seems mundane, repetitive or constant, other people in other places are particularly experiencing things that are way different and this is why we sometimes get to live ordinary live but experience uncommon imaginative tendencies that makes it rather colorful and very exciting.



The surrounding people, helps form what we come to know as our reality, our parents, wards, guardians, pastors, bosses, classmates, colleagues or friends. Starting from our parents; they chose how we look, our gene, DNA and they sometimes even determine how healthy we turn out to be in life.

Our parents lay an important foundation in our lives and this becomes the standpoint where we begin our journey. Take a look at this scenario: A drunk parent, arguing and driving, leaving a ten-year old in the back seat and then maybe an accident happens, and the two adults died, leaving the child with a broken spine, rendering him totally dependent and unable to walk again in his lifetime. You would see that these parents have changed the course of the life which that child could have lived.

He might have probably become a musician or a footballer or an engineer, but he ended up becoming a Motivation speaker as a result of the fact that he's lived all his life in rejection and ridicule due to his condition and his life automatically maligns, he then marries a different girl, suffers depression and maybe fulfil only half of his life due to the fact that he's been limited by his conditioning.

Now, look at how an external factor has changed his particular course of life. People around us are like sub-plots, spin-offs. Some of these things subconsciously control us and if we decide to shut it off, we become clueless. For example, we can't stop life from giving us friends or colleagues or acquaintances, these people would naturally come and due to the fact that we are our lives' major character, we eventually need them to complete our stories.



However, these people can entirely determine our reality more than we think, their impact can be strongly negative or positive. A close friend can give you a confidential business opportunity and because of how close he is to you, you can follow it and be rendered poor for life. This is a vivid explanation that compromises some sayings that people own their lives. This isn't entirety true, we only own the part of our lives that's possible for us to "own" and control.

We can't control the people we fall in love with, we can't control the kind of parents we have, we can't control being born into lack and scarcity, but we have the power to forestall change to an understandable extent. Our lives are bigger than we imagine, our plans to make it different can be countered by the different intentions of the people around us and this why there's always a grand scheme, a quite spectacular, surprising and paradoxical ending to people's journeys or lives despite how different they've made effort to have it differently.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian entrepreneur who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet, Sports Writer/Analyst & Personal Finance Coach. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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Very interesting perspective. I think the same only not as verbose. :) Not to say you don't articulate yourself well. Quite the contrary. I found myself having to read through to the end.

Irrespective, thanks for dropping by

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I apologize if i came off disrespectful. That wasn't my intention. I'm still trying to get a feel for this platform. It's a bit different from what I'm used to.

I do believe that as humans in this universe, we can begin in our own little world and we can dictate our life to a great extent but there are some things that are beyond our control.

Do you know that the day you decide to not talk to anyone maybe the day that you will talk to the highest number of people in your lifetime? Lol.

It's funny how many things are completely beyond our control. This is where being proactive becomes an important. If we can't completely control some of these external factors, we should at least be adopt change as soon as they come.

Nice one from you

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Thanks my Man, truth is, a lot of things are beyond our control but we don't even know. This is why we have a world where people are not actually conscious mentally, psychology or even otherwise. It's totally superising, but we have little control over a Whole lot more than we do, when we are cognizant of this, it might even help in the course of our lives.

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We own our lives, but we don't control our lives hundred percent.
Yes, external factors do have a say.
However, we have a control button in the way of the choices we make. They determine a major part of our lives.
Although it does seem like in the grand scheme of things we look like puppets we have more power than we give credit for.
It gives easy escape route for some to say I have no power over what happens or grab the circumstances we live in with both hands and take it as a challenge.
At the end of the day your life is how you perceive it.
Enjoyed reading your piece.

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Thanks for taking the time to drop by. If you ask me, I think what matters is to enjoy our existence whether we're totally in control or partially in control. Regret is one of the reasons why it hurts more, especially when we know that sometimes when we falter or fail, it could have turned out really differently.

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