Vaccination to the world

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

There have been a advance medical insurance and help in the health issue killing the world.vaccination is a way of living safe in a dangerous world of illness and diseases
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The doctors are expert and professionals.they came together across globe to fix or help the world with the making of the Vaccines.
Sick people are not recovering and deaths have been limited to the least.
Vaccination helps in recovery the should be advised to be given to all citizen of the country and globally.the doctors that worked effortless to making and preparing the Vaccines for the people to recover to their various jobs and occupation

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Help with more appropriate tags. Seem to get low visibility?

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Nice one receiving my first badges. Need to be more generous with my little upvotes henceforth :-)

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You are welcome @josephmark! It is great to see you are doing your first steps! Great work!