Cycling along the river in the evening and coming back to reality.

in Proof of Brain2 days ago

During the last two weeks, my sleeping patterns have gone haywire. At fitst I thought it’s the Chinese tea I drank more frequently. But I could feel some strange energy affecting my brain and mindfulness. There was an extraordinary alignment of major planets earlier in March which had caused a lot of heavy astrological forecasts. I was in the countryside and did notice a line up of several planets in the sky at night. But I didn’t notice any emotional fluctuations. But my sleeping pattern became a mess.

I became like a bat: being wide awake at night and feeling sleepy during the day. My brain couldn’t focus on the present moment but it was easily influenced by electromagnetic frequencies. So, I coild spend hours on social media and forgot my scheduled task in the afternoon. The sense of day and time became quite confused as if I couldn’t find any solid ancho in reality.

My sense of being connected to reality became thin and shaky. I had to remind myself of my own identity and the need to be grounded in present dimension of reality. It dawned on me what if some specific electromagnetic frequencies had been used to influence the brians of people in selected locations. This could be done via the 5G tower about a kilometer from my house. I did notice some technecians adding more instruments on the tower for two days.

I tried not to become paranoid but strange things started to affect my brain functions and emotional stability. I wasn’t as sharp and alert as I used to be. My mood became lethargic and indifferent towards nature’s vibes. My perception and light psychic ability became dull and I lost the motivation to try harder against my difficulties.

So, I had to pull myself together and summon my scattered brain to wake up by going cycling along the river in the evening. It was the only way to break away from the EMF network of capturing one’s mental drive for life. I felt as if this specific EMF could numb one’s feelings and slowly transform our mind into ‘empty shell’ for reprogramming. I had a debate with myself whether I was imagining things and indulging in weird moods. This experience was quite alarming for me as my brain was always very sensitive and I could pick up things very easily.

About picking up psychic impressions easily, I has been ‘seeing’ some spirits and possibly my dead cats’ spirits around the house very often during the recent weeks. I even had dreams about meeting foreign spirits in far away lands, especially a group of young Indians. I wondered why I had such strange dream about Indian people.

Cycling along the river forced me to be attentive about the road and my safety. I couldn’t become lost in thoughts and internal questioning on why strange feelings were coming over my mind. I asked the river spirit and guardians to protect me from wholesome vibes. My conscious mind and brain had to work together to break free of this invisible trap of entanglements. I was thinking of nskinv myself a tin foil hat, just to experiment and see if this would make any difference.

I couldn’t afford to make a faraday cage to be free from EMF occasionally. This would be like having a detox session from being bombarded with EMF at intervals. I knew that people who were badly allergic to EMF had to repaint their houses with special EMF shields. These special paints are very expensive and couldn’t be found here.

One side effect of the weird period of strange energy was the recall of old memories about traumatic times which had been forgotten long time ago. So, I had the added challenge of trying to be centered and grounded in the moment. The last few weeks has been like going on a marathon of emotional whirlwind. Luckily, after several sleepless night and daytime drowsiness with surreal sense of being under some kind of mind bending pill, I could readjust to my usual sense of reality. That was an exhausting ordeal of struggle to find my footing once again. I guessed the major planet alignments had gone and the EMF in the city wasn’t too concentrated. The phone signals were quite low, which suited me fine. I do hope that I could find a practical protection against strong EMF soon.

Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


I can imagine how biking helps aginst certain kinds of annoying thoughts which you described in your post, especially when you see the beautiful sunset! I hope that now you can again fully enjoy your time in nature with your bike!

Thank you very much for your sympathetic comment. Indeed, cycling along the river and watching the colourful sunset have my mind a nice break from inner confusion. This gave me some time to vet my balance back and become mindful of my present reality and my responsibilities.

Thank you very much for your kind support and encouragement.

You are very welcome

I have to believe it was the energetic alignment of the planets that was so disrupting of sleep and emotional memories being brought to the surface. I too, experienced some of it and forgot about the planets, lol. Just some more clearing that we had to do, right?

Wow, what a strong encounter! I'm grateful you found a means to reground yourself and restore your sense of reality. Bicycle along the river sounds quite healing. Thank you for telling your story; it is both interesting and troubling.

Beautiful sunset. I envy people who can just go to sleep as soon as their head hits the pillow. I have phases where I just can't go to sleep at all. It's very annoying.