Happy Caturday: Orange cats in different moods as they got older.

in Proof of Brainlast month

The weather has become unusually much colder in the northeastern part of the country. My orange cats could feel the change in temperature and they tried to find warmer spots for their grooming and having some suntan. But they have developed very different habits and more independent attitudes.



I thought it was because they were getting older, they would be about six years old this year. How time passed by so fast! I still remembered seeing them as three weeks’ old kittens when their mother brought them out of their hiding place.



I did wonder from time to time whether my cats could retain the memories of their childhood or kitten-hood. I could remembered vividly how Joan was very brave and adventurous as a kitten. Kwan was very timid and kept close to her mother all the time. I should have taken some photos at that time, luckily I could retain the pictures in my mind and the associated feelings were always fresh to me. My life has changed quite a lot since I have looked after these orange cats. I have always been very grateful to their presence and affection.



I have discovered that Kwan has a new habit of sitting on the roof of the storage room outside my kitchen. The metal roof was warmed by the morning sunshine and it offered a safe spot to observe the view of the dirt road and bamboo groves. The squirrels that used to hang around the coconut tree had to adjust their jumping routine. Sometimes Kwan also liked to sit quietly on the roof to hunt for tiny mouse which climbed up the nearby tree. I was amazed that she could catch a mouse one evening. Nowadays I had to let her sit on the roof twice a day her meals.



On the other hand, Joan has become more aloof and indifferent towards his sister from time to time. He spent some days at the neighbours’ house and was quite affectionate towards the lady owner. I thought it was because she gave him grilled mackerels and fried fish quite often. Fortunately, Joan was quite fast and ran to hide every time the two brown dogs came running into the lady’s house. He would come back to see us whenever the lady was away on holidays. I was glad that Joan still see us as his friends and family.



Kwan was always very happy to see her big brother and would rush to be by his side. I really envy the sibling affection and warmth. These two cats would take a few hours to break the ice, then they would be running around the trees once again. I also participated in their game and we took turns in chasing the others around the garden. It was quite surprising that they knew I was playing this game with them. They would never be really frightened by my chasing them around. These cats could run very fast!



Joan preferred to get his suntan on the front yard while Kwan liked to sit next to a tree facing the sun. Sometimes they appeared to be sitting meditation for over an hour. I had no idea my cats could sit still for a long time. They were accomplished cat-meditators. They were always very alert, mindful and grounded in the present moment. I really had a lot to learn from my cats. They were like Zen cats in disguise as orange cats.



Joan would walk towards me whenever I was walking slowly in the front yard. Perhaps he could sense that I was in meditative mood or praying quietly. He demanded to be touched so that he could get the good vibes from my hands. Then Kwan would be running to join us. So, I had to give them both a good rub on their backs. It was as if I had to give these cats traditional massage every day on the front yard. Joan would cry in protest if I didn’t give him a massage. Kwan liked to have body contact with her brother, at least her tail would be touching Joan’s body.



I had to remind myself to take photos of my orange cats when they were around the yard and garden. Most of the time, they would be sleeping in their favorite spots separately. Gone were the days when they would cuddled together on the same basket. They were getting older and settled in their different characters. But I hoped that they would always be loving towards each other and remained very affectionate towards me. They probably had no ideas that I had so many memories of their kitten-hood and their families. They were lucky not ti be affected by the past and be able yo focus all the attention on present moment.



We as human beings have been so prone to be sentimental about the past or tormented by past guilts, my orange cats were always free from the burden of the past. They weren’t too anxious about the prospect of financial collapse or the impact of a major war in the near future. They lived each day at a time so they could fully lived without regrets of what they haven’t done or could have done. Human mind is a crazy and complex creation. I hoped Mother Nature would always by kind to me and send help whenever I really needed a healing hand.


Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.



Thank you very much. They are very gentle cats but very timid. They don’t like strangers and would run away to hide.

I'm so happy that they are both together again and getting along so well. I love how they find sunny spots to enjoy. Happy cats, happy life!

Luckily, my neighbours went away quite often so Joan had to come back for food! So glad he still plays with Kwan. I fed them too often during the last few days! They are now quite heavy!

I thought they both looked a bit chunkier than normal. ♥

I love how serene they look bathing in the sun. I know how good if feels. There was a very old movie called "Cat on a hot tin roof".

I am very tempted these days to get a cat again. It's not easy here to adopt animals. They have to be indoors if you live in an apartment downtown. I am feeling really anxious about having a cat. If I do I will call it "Samsi".