in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Hi Everyone, hope y'all had an amazing sallah holiday's experience. Firstly, I want to use this privilege to appreciate @dwayne16 and @marvinix for organizing this challenge. It had been an awesome challenge and experience all through.

I kick off my day with a little exercise after getting up from bed around 8:05am. Yesterday was so stressful from me because I came home late after visiting some of my Muslim friends and celebrating with them. After doing my early morning workout I assist out with the chore at home before taking my bath and heading to my siwes placement.

I get to the office on time meeting my supervisor already engaging in today work. There were various jobs to be carried out in office due to our absent from work doing the sallah holiday's. We were odd to make copies of documents but can't because of the printing had run out of 2 different colours which is the red and black. My boss had to call the engineer who do help him fix his printer but to me, I feel it was something I can attempt to do due to I had been privilege to have seen the engineer fixing it before so I believe I can do it as well but my boss doesn't want to take the risk because he knows I have no experience handling the inner part of a printer.

I was given a task to make passport unfortunately I discovered that passport machine was out of materials needed so I had to get material and fix it. Here is a picture of me and my boss resetting the material in the passport machine.

Image of me and my boss working on the passport machine

After we were done with the passport machine, we continue waiting for the engineer who want to fix the printer because we had no other printer to operate with and there was lot of documents for us which are necessary to be printed today. Finally, my boss consider giving me a trial due to it looks like the engineer isn't going to come today but we needed the printer today. My boss was surprised seeing me battling with the printer and at the end of it, it works well. Here is a picture I took after I was almost done with the printer.


Image of the printer

My boss was so happy and please by this he must to reward me for doing it though it took me time to finish it. After then we printed all the necessary documents and close for the day.

Today was a amazing experience for me because I got to see the inner part of a passport machine and got to do something I haven't tried before. It was a stressful day but worth all the experiences.

Thank you all for reading my #pobdaily challenge. Hope you do enjoy the rest of your week.

Posted via proofofbrain.io