I believe in spreading love and being genuine about it. It doesn't matter where I see myself or the situation on ground. I invariably opt to be kind and I express it in both words and action.
First and foremost, being kind is something I learned from my immediate family. My parents were often reciting the importance of being kind and it resounds in my mind whenever I'm in a position to do so. They didn't just say the word, they backed it up with action. They are still doing it to date -though, in their little way.
Looking back at how much of their finance and time that was invested in showing love and kindness to people, it makes me wonder if they made the best choice. The mouths they fed at the expense of building for the future turned deaf ears to them when they needed a scratch on the back.
You'd be surprised to know that these weren't strangers. I'm talking of close relatives. I can still recall how my siblings and I embraced them and played childish tricks just to prolong their stay whenever they visit our home for weekends or any other vacation. Whenever they are set to leave, they got loads of foodstuffs and extra cash from both Mum and Dad. And I enjoyed seeing how instrumental my parents were in giving them a good life.
"They are family, after all, nothing can ever go wrong..."
I'm not 101% sure, but I can guess that this is what my parents had in mind while spending on these people. Turns out that this was the beginning of a lot of mistakes that made life uncomfortable for us, the immediate family.
I lived through their action and it's effect. Some wrong moves they made in the name of being kind and helpful are...
Firstly, they thought their source of income will remain green over time, but that was wrong. Dad is currently retired and getting peanut as pension. Mum has more expenses creeping up from left, right and centre whereas, her earning has been more or less the same since 2 decades ago.
Secondly, they chose to help without building for the future. That's what appears to be crippling a lot of those that are helping and supporting others financially. You can't possibly have dirt in your eye and hope to help another person. When it comes to assisting people financially, we should never forget to also have a tight financial plan which will cover our tomorrow.
Thirdly, they probably thought their act of kindness will never be forgotten. Every action and inaction of some of their beneficiaries seems to show otherwise - most painfully so.
To be honest, do people really forget an act of kindness?
I'm not a jester whatsoever and I'm not in a business of putting smiles on the faces of everyone I meet. What I'm sure of is that even those I've had to fallout with knows within them that this guy is kind. The same thing is applicable in my view of others. When I get one act of kindness from someone, it always rings a bell on a good day when I think of the person.
Whatever the case may be, I honestly believe that Kindness shall never be forgotten! - one way or another.
It can't be forgotten.
People may swallow their pride and do inhumane things, but that doesn't mean that they've forgotten who gave them a hand when they were in need. Even if a person you saved from shit ends up throwing you into a pit of shit, within them, they know that you did something good to them and your action will always be buried in their mind.
Note: Remember to always start your act of kindness by being kind to yourself in all circumstances. I don't know a better way to put this, but I kinda expect you to read a good meaning to it.
Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma
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