Dancing with the Universe (Original Poetry)

in Proof of Brain14 days ago

Dancing with the Universe - Original Poetry by Krisz Rokk

I’m not a vending machine,
yet you continue to ask for things.
I don’t like quick fixes
however, you persist in disregarding my wink.
A one-night stand here,
a triple ice-coup there,
you’re addicted to shortcuts
thinking I won’t notice your despair.
You love sweets, candlelight,
and predictive programming,
familiarity and comfort are your biggest wins
so you repeat the cycle,
bored and depleted of your marvelous wings.
Chasing shiny objects
keeps your head spinning
while you nourish the flames of fear
Why look inside to unlock your unique blueprint?
Commitment, focus, discipline
you can’t stand these frequencies
coupled with discernment, action, and consistency
they will lift you off the ground and pull you inside of me.
Consciousness continues to expand
while experiencing reality through your lens
Why don’t you mold, tweak, and upgrade the experiment?
You can do it and live without regrets.
Do you still want my recipe for success?
Don’t cut corners,
don’t chase quick wins,
don’t cheat,
give it everything.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Image by Daniela S. aka @wayofaiki

Spiritual Harvest by Krisz Rokk

Grab a copy on Amazon

If you have ever wondered why you’re attracted to specific ancient sites or star clusters, reading the different chapters of "Spiritual Harvest" might help you recreate the kaleidoscope of your unique puzzle.

Quantum Stories and Poems by Krisz Rokk