pobdaily: DREAM

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I will start by telling this short story; A common man in a small town has two sons (twins), He took the two of them to a fortune teller, this old man said The first son will be rich while the second twin will be is servant. On there way back home the first twin begins to shout that his going to be rich and his twin will be his servant, few years later the second twin begins to work really hard while the first twin relax waiting for richness to arrive, after the death of there father, the second twin arrived to the town with a lot of riches while the first twin became very poor to the extent that he begged the second twin to take him as a servant.

We all know what dream is, and we should also know 'dream' is different from 'vision'. Dream is a series of thoughts, image, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. While Vision is an experience in which a personage, thing, or event appear vividly or credibly to the mind although not actually present, often under the influence of a divine or other agency.

Human being often classify dreams a into two categories:
Good dreams and Bad dreams.
Good dreams is said to be used to express good wishes. And people also thinking having a good dreams means something nice is about to happen.
But in the case of bad dream, most people think danger is coming, but as for me personally, have seen different opinions, perspective, views about what people really understand about the word 'dream'.

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∆. To some bad dream occur due to the evil thoughts in our heart.
∆. To some also bad dream occur due to the scary movie we watch at night.
∆. To some bad dream occur due to a dirty environment or house.
∆. To some also bad dream occur due to the present of spiritual enemy.

All this is what people I related with see about Bad dream and as for Good dream.

∆. An entrepreneur will tell you good dream is all about success in what ever you engage yourself/where you see yourself in the nearest future.
∆. A cleric will tell you good dream is all about your earthly life, which means where you find yourself in your dream is what going to happen to you.

To me both bad dream and good dream all depends on whatever you choose according to the story above.
Thanks for reading. kuse6051

Posted via proofofbrain.io