Behind every gloom,there is a glory far from it

in Proof of Brain11 months ago (edited)

Welcome back to the temple of grace and mercy! . Most times we have a glory ahead of us which does not become apparent and we first experience a gloom before the glory is revealed.Behind every glory, there is a glory that was far from it simply put. Those who think they have succeeded getting you are in for a big surprise. What you are going through now is pushing you towards and nearer to your matter how negative or gloomy it looks.
With these thoughts going through my mind, am pressed to share true life experiences of one of my siblings brother Leke by name a computer science student and his lecturer.He was brilliant and hardworking bearing in mind that he came from a poor background and our parents struggled to send us school him inclusive.He had a vision to graduate with a First class degree.He had good grades and was heading towards achieving that until he got to final year when he met a Lecturer who put obstacles on His way. His sins was trying to correct the postulation his Lecturer made in class which he felt was wrong.His Lecturer felt insulted by this action and made sure he didn't come out with a First class degree but with a second class degree upper division.My brother truly come out with second class upper division.Not too bad you will say!.
Fast forward when my brother went to collect his call up letter mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) which all fresh graduate below the age 30years most undergo in my country.He met the same particular lecturer of his at the gate and said this to him "I heard about your posting to Yobe state.It doesn't cost much to give details to someone in NYSC I want to see how your computer knowledge will be useful in a state where you can count the number of computers.You felt you knew something.I will see how will make it in this profession.Best of luck!!
My sib brother found himself in one remote town in Yobe State.Three days to the end of the orientation camp exercise as God would have it a man came in the camp asking for someone who can repair a laptop computer.My sib brother volunteered and repaired it successfully. The Man thanked him.went away without paying him for the work done.To my brother surprise he got posted to serve in the office of a House of Representatives member representing one of the constituencies in the state.He later discovered that the laptop he repaired sometimes ago belonged to the House of Representatives member. Infact inside the laptop were Bills that the Rep member wanted to sponsor for his constituency..The Rep member thanked him profusely for saving his laptop and offered him a job as his personal assistant. Beside he was made computer instructor and coordinator at the computer institute the Rep member had set up in the state for young students in His constituency to be computer literate.He was given a furnished apartment and medical allowance.He was also given access to all the cars belonging to the Rep member. Thereafter he was given a contract to procure laptop computers and accessories for all senior civil servants in the state ministries.That contract made him an instant millionaire!.My sib whom his Lecturer thought he had succeeded in frustrating for Life had become a millionaire ahead of his teacher!. Divine favor! I will say.


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@lanskyjojo, he supported you with votes.

Thanks 😊

I remember my father told me a story that after his father died no one took care of him and before his final exams someone bought the books for him and in 1 day he studied and participated in the exams and the result was that he got the first place all over the institute which was surprising for his relatives as everyone expected him to fail.

That's a good testimony!. Thanks

Some tough situations we face many times end up serving as ladders to move higher. Great lessons shared in this post, thanks.

Ofcourse well inferred

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